Cross Country Alberta Direct Services Provided to Members
- Governs and administer the Association
- Interfaces with external partners (Alberta Sport Connection, Winsport)
- Raises funds for Association functions and programs
- Partially subsidizes and operates the Alberta Ski Team, including selection, coaching, training opportunities, and competitions
- Provides liability insurance coverage for all programs, leadership, coaching, facilities, and trail preparation for Clubs and Members through Cross Country Canada. Click here for Insurance information and documentation
- Provides a current insurance certificate.
- Develops and maintains the CCA Athlete Development Model
- Program design and delivery/facilitation – camps, seminars, etc.
- Develops leader training programs, and runs training courses for Coaches and Leaders
- Promotes and coordinates the running of the Jackrabbit program for member clubs
- Runs training courses for Officials
- Coordinates the provincial race calendar
- Event sanctioning
- Coordinates the Alberta Cup Series
- Provides internal communication (CCA Web Site, Nordic News, weekly e-mails)