Principles, Values and Objectives
CCA’s Principles
- To avoid bias and have fair and equitable selections, the Board of CCA will require clear selection guidelines be established, and the Board will make the final decision.
- The Board of CCA will strive to support and encourage clubs to have programs delivered at the club level, by the club members. Where specific needs and/or economic numbers and/or fiscal need exists, programs will be delivered at the regional level, via regional qualified individuals, and again at the provincial level where needs, numbers and or fiscal reasons exist via provincial qualified individuals.
- CCA is committed to listening to our membership
CCA’s Organizational Values
- Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Partnerships, Excellent Service, Learning and Growth are valued and demonstrated throughout our organization.
- All people have the right and are encouraged to participate in cross-country skiing.
- Sporting excellence should be achieved through fair play, ethical and moral behavior.
- Participation in cross-country skiing contributes to a healthier lifestyle and feelings of well being.
- The roots of cross-country skiing are founded in an inherent love of outdoor experiences in nature.
CCA’s Objectives
- To support the CCA Member Clubs, by providing timely service (Administration & Information), assistance, and sanctioning-endorsement of events and programs.
- To foster excellence in leadership by developing, maintaining, and enhancing our Board, Committee, Coaches, Leaders, Officials, and Volunteer personnel.
- To develop, maintain, and continuously improve a skier/athlete development system that ensures an adequate level of skiers at all levels (recreational and competitive), to ensure the existence and further development of programs and services offered and/or endorsed by CCA, whereby the benefits flow towards the Alberta Ski Team. This also enables CCA to enhance active lifestyles and fitness, which contributes to the overall well being of all Albertans.
- To maintain and promote a high performance program with an emphasis on the Alberta Ski Team and a Development Squad, for the purposes of high-end competitions such as the Provincial & National Championships, World Championship Trials and Canada Winter Games. The benefits of this program should also reciprocate to the skier/athlete development program.
- Governance - To encourage member participation in the governance of the association (responsiveness) and to foster an efficient and effective association in partnership with all stakeholders (i.e. Member Clubs, ASRPWF, Staff, and Volunteers), by effectively and efficiently managing the activities and resources.
- To promote cross country skiing as an accessible sport and recreational activity for all Albertans.
• Integrating our leadership development programs with special populations programming (i.e. women, AADS, Special Olympics, etc.)
• Making our programs accessible to schools throughout Alberta.
• Public and media relations through effective marketing and human resource planning. - To promote the ongoing development of youth programs through effective leadership development, efficient materials distribution, by creating various forums for sharing of ideas between youth programs throughout Alberta, and by continuously trying to improve the information resources being distributed to clubs for youth program development.